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Balancing AI Quantity with SEO Quality

DateIcon19 Jul, 2024

While writing this, the Google Docs is recommending blue-out words and phrases to assist us with a perfect blog introduction. AI-based auto-filling, AI-based tools like ChatGPT, Gemini may really make our lives simpler, despite the fact that some people would find it sci-fi (when it comes up with the appropriate words, of course). 76% of marketers that are proficient in AI use Generative AI to create copy and content. But, wait! These recommendations/outcomes aren't always ideal both for us and SEO as well. However, what does all of this imply for content-based services in the future? We think the quality of AI depends on the stuff you give it. We utilize it to modify previously written works in accordance with writing style guidelines, remove complicated words, and summarize confidential data. Although it's a ground-breaking tool for enhancing user-generated content, it can't take the place of it entirely.

AI is providing content creators with a new, quicker, and simpler method. But will your SEO suffer as a result of AI's convenience? Let’s find out!

Current Landscape and Statistics of AI-Based Content Generation

Current Landscape and Statistics of AI-Based Content Generation.webp

1. Adoption

A 2023 survey by the World Economic Forum revealed that 44% of businesses worldwide have used AI for content creation - with a significant number of them reporting enhanced efficiency and productivity.

2. Market Growth

The global market for AI in content creation is estimated to reach $1.5 billion by 2024, signifying the rapid expansion of this field.

3. Quality

Although early AI-generated tools sometimes lacked complexity and originality. But more recent developments have greatly upgraded the quality of AI-based content. For example, OpenAI's GPT-4 can produce text that often blends in with human writing. But still, AI is AI!

It Writes, We Read, SEO Cries?

Every marketer thinks - should I use AI for content creation?

So, let’s understand the curious case of AI-generated content and SEO. Our AI robot friends are generating words like it is nobody's business. But is this digital blessing or a curse for those of us trying to navigate the ever-changing landscape of search engine optimization?

Let’s understand first, what is SEO?

In a nut and shell, SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it's all about making your website and content more visible to search engines like Google. Think of it as the technique of speaking Google's language so that your content pops up when people search for things online. And when it comes to AI-generated content, there are a few potential speed breakers in that conversation.

What is AI-generated content?

It's content created by artificial intelligence algorithms, often using fancy language models that can mimic human writing styles. And while this might sound like a dream come true for content marketers, it's not without its drawbacks - tbh.

Also read this article : Simple Ways to Humanize AI Content

The Content Overload

First things first - AI is really good at generating content. We're talking millions - maybe even - billions of words per day. But as we all know loud and clear that quantity doesn't always equal quality. When search engines are filled with AI-generated articles, blog posts, and social media copies, it can make it harder to find the truly valuable, human written stuff. The same goes for SEO meaning in the age of AI.

SEO Marketing with AI - Absolutely Worth It, But...

In the ever-evolving world of SEO, AI is a game-changer and also a game-ender (may be or may be not, that’s the case!). While AI tools can generate content faster than a caffeine-powered copywriter, they often lack the human touch and creativity, which should go with the flow with the readers and search engines.

Think of AI as your guide and not a replacement.

Use it to brainstorm, research keywords, and even draft initial outlines, but don't forget to give a tone of your content-voice with the human touch. AI can help you work smarter and faster. But it's the human thing that will ultimately set your content to go noticed - and to give height in search engine rankings. So, yeah, it’s true, SEO is still totally worth it. But the thing is, it's all about finding the right balance between AI power and human genuinity.

The SEO Red Flags

Another problem with AI-generated content is its potential for copy-paste!

AI models learn by analyzing the existing text on the internet, and sometimes they get a little too good at creating almost the same-ditto. This can lead to duplicate content, which is a big no-no-not-at-all in the eyes of search engines.

Think of it like plagiarism (and at its best), but for robots. And just like in school, plagiarism is not a good look if you want to get good marks (or in this case, high position on the search rankings).

The E-A-T Factor

Expertise - Authoritativeness - Trustworthiness

These are the qualities-pointers-attributes-tones that Google looks for in high-quality content. Think of it like this - would you trust medical advice from a robot doctor? Nope, isn’t it? You would always want a real human doctor with years of experience and a proven track record. The same goes for #online content. We want to know that the information we're reading comes from a reliable source with human expertise. While AI can be a great tool for gathering information and generating ideas, it often lacks the depth of knowledge and the human touch. This can make it harder for AI content for SEO to rank well in search results - especially for topics that require a high level of E-A-T! So EAT right, digest great!

The Human Touch

So, does all of this information mean that AI-generated content is THE ENEMY of SEO? Not necessarily.

But it does mean that we need to be smart about how we use it (at least).

AI can be a valuable tool for content creation, but it shouldn't replace human writers altogether.

Think of it like a kitchen appliance - a food processor can cut vegetables faster than you ever could, but it can't create a delicious meal. You still need a human chef to add - The flavor. The creativity. The personal touch.

AI Content for SEO

If you're using AI to generate quick content, it's important to maintain a perfect balance (a really delicate one).

Step Number 1 - Use AI to help you with research, brainstorming, and even drafting initial versions of content.

Immediate Step Number 2 - Then bring in a human writer to add the nuance, the personality, and the expertise that will make your content truly stand out with an SEO checker.

And don't forget that user-generated content SEO is also a valuable asset. Encourage your people to create and share their own content, as this can help boost your website's authority and relevance in the big and beautiful eyes of the search engines.

The Future of SEO and AI

The rise of AI-generated content is a challenge - but on the other side, it's also a great opportunity (a really great one). Together with human writers, we may use AI as a SEO tool to produce worthy content for search engine optimization. It's like our kind of two-steps-authentication. You can also use tools designed to BypassAI detection to help humanize your AI-based content.